Only okay
But I really liked the noise the duck made. That gets you the pass from me! Hope to see more from you, especially if the duck returns. I loves the duck.
Only okay
But I really liked the noise the duck made. That gets you the pass from me! Hope to see more from you, especially if the duck returns. I loves the duck.
Ya! He he...
The truth hurts
I totally enjoyed this. I think your cartoon really is good, and I'm not just giving it a high score because I worked for several years in a call center. Long, long years.
My one suggestion: Make a button to shut off the preloader music. It got kind of annoying.
You're not the first to mention the preloader music, but you are the first to mention the button to mute it... good thinking, I'll be sure to do that for the next one!
A good idea
But it really could have used more examples of how the things look once they're implemented, rather than just descriptions of how to do things. Only two of them actually showed you what you got. Good on ya for your public service, though.
Thanks. If it doesn't get on here then I'll use the examples of what they look like once implemented.
It's just a bunch of stuff
And it's not really interesting stuff. And it's the same stuff over and over. Just grabbing a bunch of jpegs off the net isn't the same as doing a Flash animation. And, you did nothing to make me think this band was cool with your work. Videos are supposed to make the band look better.
Its hard to make a music video for a band like that AND with it being so long. I ran out of ideas!
The reason for the season
This is a charming and interestingly designed version of the old story! While not a comedy piece, that kid on the street is hilarious. I'm filled with Christmas spirit!
Thank you. Enjoy your holiday.
Not bad!
I enjoyed your work! Yeah, your art and Flash is primitive... but I give you a medium score, because you were going somewhere with it. The sound was all clear and the voices were good, and your movements were decent. This isn't great, but I think great is just further down the road for ya. Your use of bagpipes is already smokin'.
yerp, ile be up in the top 50 soon
Utterly incomprehensible
A thumping techno soundtrack that drowns out everything else... muddy, undecipherable dialog... bimbos done in Poser(?) from the stock model with stock outfits (one of them Vampirella), then exported to Flash... not in finished animation, though -- in choppy frame-by-frames cut up and then pasted together very badly, screwing up even the limited motions they do... that is, when they move at all, as they mostly just stand frozen while the soundtrack plods on. Together it adds up to a big nothing. I give you one point for having the temerity to put this up, and for knowing that putting in bimbos will make some people vote for anything. Wahoo, skin.
go suck a dick bitch.
I draw. I vote. I like voting.
Age 56, Male
Joined on 7/2/03