A fine melding of words and images
Touching and fascinating to watch! You did excellent service to a fine piece of music and poetry. Well done!
A fine melding of words and images
Touching and fascinating to watch! You did excellent service to a fine piece of music and poetry. Well done!
cool... glad you liked the multi angle approach
Yay! Now I don't have to watch it myself.
Not like I was planning to, but thanks anyway. Nice job, and filled with funny. I particularly liked the totally useless friends... good to see that hasn't changed from the show.
My only comments: you could have used the "deep" voice for Yugi's thoughts, and I wished for more violence -- but you -were- following the movie, and I always want to see more violent things happen to these characters. Maybe in Part 2! Good work!
You are one of the lucky ones having not watched the actual movie.
A fine little animation
A good little vignette, with particularly great and appropriate music. I was entertained! Good work!
Take me, Dark Lord!
Your animation was basic, but teh funny was there. You made me laugh, which meets my minimum requirement per serving. Yay for you! More walls next time, please.
alright man, just for you.
Gosh, that's neat
Just great -- a lightning-fast ride of slam-bang entertainment! I pay it my highest compliment: it was worth waiting over a year and a half for. You're damn good at this!
holy crap you are correct thanks much, i tip my hat mate
It's like a party in my brain
You're right: I probably would have blammed each of these by itself; but together, they're pretty darn entertaining! An enjoyable package, fer sher.
Its funny how some things can be like that isn't it?
Nice moves, ninja boy
You had good use of limited animation, decent color schemes, I liked the music, and it was all pretty funny. I'm pleased to be Saviour on this one. Good work!
Thanks! It was a quickly made flash though, I'm really happy how it turned out. When a flash makes me giggle while making it, I know it's allright ;)
Thanks very much for saving my flash!
I draw. I vote. I like voting.
Age 56, Male
Joined on 7/2/03