Pretty damn stupid
Which is how I leiks my Clock flashes, so good work. Bonus point for laugh track -- it made it more like Friends, only even stupider.
Pretty damn stupid
Which is how I leiks my Clock flashes, so good work. Bonus point for laugh track -- it made it more like Friends, only even stupider.
Great for a sprites
After so many bad -- or worse, just boring -- sprite flashes, yours was funny and well done. Best use of Amy sprites ever!
Somehow I wonder if I'm the only one who's still carrying the mantle of doing sprite-based flashes.
This was an awesome song
And a great animation to go with it. You sang from the heart! WTG, talented guy!
Happy birthday! Have some cake and go out with your friends for some beer, and maybe you'll feel better.
At least you got the point
Unlike most, you grasped that the song isn't about love, it's about obsession. Could use some finishing, but I think it does work better in black and white. Not bad.
Pretty decent work
Your cartoon was a bit primitive in the artwork department, but it had decent animation, a good story, and excellent comic timing (which really put it ahead). I watched the whole thing and was entertained. Your cartoon didn't suck!
I've seen this stuff a few times... like over 9000
This was not so much written as distilled from the tears of anime fans. Now I never have to watch an episode of any Shonen Jump-based show again. Thanks!
Wasn't this on opposite Bravestarr?
A brilliant piece of work! Completely evocative of the period in the combination of then-prominent styles, and in level of corruption from the source material to make the cartoon version.
Props to you for even remembering the mention of this in the comic. No wonder Veidt pulled the plug on it.
It's synched!
This is one of the most amusing test animations I've ever seen. Any one of the segments would have been worth a pass, but taken together they verge on awesomeness. A great job! I look forward to seeing more!
Could be much better
They don't really fall like snow, which would have a generally uniform and downward direction. Too much moves sideways and up, randomly against the movement you would want. Also, too much spinning of the elements -- they should spin much more slowly if at all.
You have the random down, but you really need more uniformity in the elements. A good first try, but needs much refinement to make me think "snow".
Great flash, or the greatest flash?
A particularly awesome job on the lip-synch this time around -- it was really painstaking! Hilarious dialog and nicely chosen music, good color, and great animation throughout. And, after seeing several of your cartoons, I can only think that hell's getting pretty full at this point. Your work is very entertaining!
I draw. I vote. I like voting.
Age 56, Male
Joined on 7/2/03