Tremendous, muscular work. This was without a doubt one of your shiniest tales, and your pointless action sequence was pure drama. Fine, smooth, supple, oily work.
Tremendous, muscular work. This was without a doubt one of your shiniest tales, and your pointless action sequence was pure drama. Fine, smooth, supple, oily work.
oh so THAT'S what happened to hellalitboi101. I thought his last post about getting murdered was just yknow online stuff. RIP press F
F in the chat
Superb in concept, excellent in execution, infinitely exploitable.
thank you! very epic comment by the way B)
This is some of your finest work. Solidarity with the working dogs of the world!
Thanks, man!
This is essentially a tutorial on how to make a single joke in a simple scenario as funny as possible. The timing is perfect and it's incredible. Astounding.
aw thanks dude <3
Your animation was great. I loved your Home Movies style, and all of the references to other music videos -- perfect for the song. Great work!
Thanks! i'm glad people are picking up on the references!
Your animation is good, and your backgrounds are really amazing!
TY <3
Your wonderful work reminds me of the excellent animated short film festivals of the past. Completely excellent, and still better than driving.
Thanks very much!!
He's not the hero we want, but he's the hero we deserve.
Defeating evil and the environment one step at a time
I thought I remembered seeing this during the original run, but maybe I'm conflating it with a different episode. :|
I think they let Jiminy on the air maybe ONCE back in the 90’s. He was just too ahead of his time 😭
I draw. I vote. I like voting.
Age 56, Male
Joined on 7/2/03